Economy Local October 22, 2024

Abu Dhabi Real Estate Center Resolves 83% of Disputes

The Abu Dhabi Real Estate Center has successfully resolved 83% of the total disputes presented, totaling 808 out of 969 cases, showcasing efficient management in the sector.

Abu Dhabi Real Estate Center Resolves 83% of Disputes

The marketing department of the real estate center in Abu Dhabi announced that 83% of the total number of submitted complaints have been resolved, which amounts to 808 complaints out of 969. This signifies a significant decrease in the number of remaining complaints to 161.

"Timely resolution of complaints is crucial for ensuring service quality and strengthening public trust in the justice system within the real estate sector," commented the center.

The real estate center in Abu Dhabi continues to work on resolving the remaining complaints in the shortest possible time, aiming to improve the quality of services provided and maintain the reputation of a fair and transparent market regulator for real estate.