Events Local October 25, 2024

Supreme Committee Meeting for Zayed Al Khairy Race

The Supreme Committee organized for the Zayed Al Khairy race held a meeting at the 'Irth Abu Dhabi' hotel to discuss the main preparations and coordinate activities.

Supreme Committee Meeting for Zayed Al Khairy Race

The committee of organizers of the charity race Zaied held a coordination meeting at the "Eritage Abu Dhabi" hotel to discuss the main points of the upcoming event.

During the meeting, not only technical issues of organizing the race were discussed, but also key steps for ensuring the safety of participants and spectators were outlined. Each aspect of the event was considered individually to ensure everything goes smoothly and without incidents.

"We are extremely pleased to have the opportunity to hold this charity run again. It is important that all details are planned in advance, so participants can achieve maximum satisfaction by taking part in this event," noted one of the members of the organization.