Dubai's Real Estate Sees Shift Towards Sustainability

Developers and decision-makers in Dubai are uniting to build a carbon-free urban environment, driven by government policies and technological advancements amidst climate neutrality goals.

Dubai's Real Estate Sees Shift Towards Sustainability

All major developers, who implement strategic solutions and investments, focus their work around a single goal – the creation of a habitat free from carbon emissions. This pivot is fueled by several key factors, among which government policy support, financial incentives, and stringent technological changes that make sustainability a fundamental element in assessing the value of real estate.

Hesham Al-Assad states: "Sustainability is no longer seen as a distant goal but has become a pressing necessity in various sectors, especially in the real estate industry". The climate neutrality strategy 2050, adopted in the United Arab Emirates, presents significant challenges for the real estate market in Dubai, as the demands for energy-efficient buildings and strict ecological regulations are no longer just recommendations.