Sport Local October 21, 2024

Closing of the National Championship for Arabian Horses

The competitions of the National Championship for the Arabian Horse Association concluded at the major venue for academia. The event witnessed extensive participation from various categories.

Closing of the National Championship for Arabian Horses

The results of the National Arabian Horse Championship in the UAE, which took place in the Grand Hall of the Academy, have been summarized. Over the course of several days, the best Arabian horses competed for prestigious awards and recognition in various disciplines. Experienced participants and young talents took part in the competition. The organizers noted the high level of participant involvement and the professionalism of the jury, which selected winners across different categories. The winners were awarded valuable prizes and stood on the honorary podium, celebrating their well-deserved successes. One of the bright moments of the competition was the performance of legendary horses, which demonstrated their uniqueness and grace in the arena. Many viewers were able to enjoy this astonishing spectacle and witness current champions in action. The atmosphere of the competition was rich and friendly, and participants and spectators received a wealth of positive impressions from the event. The National Arabian Horse Championship in the UAE turned out to be successful and memorable for all its participants.