Fujairah Award for Best Practices in Rehabilitation

The Fujairah International Award for Best Rehabilitation Practices reveals the appreciation of effective environmental practices in the rehabilitation sector, reflecting the Emirate’s commitment to sustainability.

Fujairah Award for Best Practices in Rehabilitation

Medicine and technology help carry out a very important mission related to climate and the survival of all of us: to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. Let’s assume we are in 2026, and two leading solutions for combating climate change include tracking carbon capture and technologies for capturing and storing carbon dioxide. What should we pay attention to in this context?

It is important to understand that the fight against climate change is not only an environmental issue but also an economic one. These changes threaten our society and economy, and consequently, it is important to create innovations that can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

One of the approaches to solving this problem is to stimulate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Another method involves the development of technologies that allow for the capture and storage of carbon dioxide. At events dedicated to this issue, these methods of combating climate change are being discussed.

One of the speakers stated: "We must adopt relevant decisions and implement them in practice to reduce pollution in the surrounding environment and mitigate climate damage." He added that the effects of societies could lead to significant changes for our planet.