Entrepreneur Blends Programming with Coffee Business

Rashid Abdullah, an entrepreneur, combines his programming skills with his newfound passion for coffee roasting and supply. His venture flourished despite pandemic challenges, contributing significantly to the local economy.

Entrepreneur Blends Programming with Coffee Business

Rashid Abdulla, the head of the business and founder of the "Taibz" company for coffee supply and processing, could not even imagine that at the beginning of his programming studies, he would choose an entirely different career path, deviating from technical programming, in which he delved deeply from his initial interest and passion for studying the secrets of this sector, deciding to combine it with coffee production. Abdulla himself claims that the convergence of his new passion in life - processing, preparation, and supply of coffee production. He began the groundwork for his new startup in 2021, and by the beginning of 2022, its launch and full development were realized. Abdulla shared that the pandemic era and its challenges did not prevent him from founding his project, but rather served as a stimulus and strong motivation to work on the project and its launch. At first, he did not display a greater interest in coffee consumption, but he had the talent to evaluate different varieties and select the best. The startup brainstorming process began when one of his friends gifted him a coffee product from abroad upon returning from a trip and challenged him to guess the components mixed in the coffee. Gathering with friends, he without seeing the product packaging correctly named the components that puzzled his friends, who suggested he create a business around trade and coffee processing. At first, he was surprised by the offer, having created an interest in programming, but his friends told him that his knowledge in programming and talent in tasting coffee could be utilized for programming coffee roasting machines to achieve the best flavor for every sort. Abdulla did not hesitate to begin exploring the project steps and leverage his passion for technical programming to create an intelligent application for ordering and delivering coffee, especially for his friends and colleagues. Starting work, he displayed a great passion for coffee and its secrets, he became interested in supplying various types of coffee from abroad, processing, and preparing them in accordance with consumer needs. He emphasized that he plans to develop his business in the future, to include supplies to a larger number of coffee sales points, increase volumes, and diversify the types of prepared and supplied coffees in various regions of the country.