Events Country November 14, 2024

Successful General Assembly Meeting in UAE

The International Equestrian Federation confirmed that the United Arab Emirates has provided all necessary resources to ensure the success of the General Assembly meeting.

Successful General Assembly Meeting in UAE

The International Federation of Combat Sports confirmed that the OAED provided all the necessary conditions for the successful holding of the association's meeting. Representatives of the federation expressed gratitude to the OAED for the support and organization of the event, noting the high level of organization and hospitality. It was also noted that holding the association's meeting in OAED supports the leading position of the country in organizing global sports events. "We deeply appreciate OAED for the hospitality and attention to detail, which allowed us to hold the meeting at the highest level. This confirms the status of OAED as an important player in the world of combat sports," the representatives of the federation remarked.