Economy Health Local November 14, 2024

Filipinos in UAE Embrace Self-Care and Financial Stability

Filipinos in Dubai are recognizing the importance of self-care amidst their busy lives, balancing work and personal rewards. Many are also focusing on saving and investing to secure their futures while enjoying small joys like dining out and travel.

Filipinos in UAE Embrace Self-Care and Financial Stability

In the UAE, people increasingly recognize the importance of self-care and the need to allow themselves deserved rewards. Whether it's a short break on the beach, treating yourself to a new item or gadget, or simply enjoying your favorite cup of coffee, these acts of self-care are not mere indulgence, but vital for maintaining balance and happiness. Travel is life. Living on fertile soil, the UAE offers not just a multitude of opportunities for work but also for adventures.

Filipinos understand that while enjoying life is important, planning for long-term financial stability is also necessary. Many note the convenience of aviation within the country, ease of exploring nearby destinations, as well as the advantages of a visa-free entry to several countries. This allows them to strategically position themselves financially and plan their dreams. Nica Paula Gafud, a procurement specialist in the electronic components distribution in Dubai, shared that she allocates part of her salary for travel. "Tomorrow, I will set aside part of my salary to reward myself with travel," she shared.

A laborer emphasizes the importance of self-improvement, continuous education, and skill enhancement for increasing income. He believes that even if this happens once or twice a year, it brings a significant difference to mental health and overall well-being.

Working abroad, Filipinos not only in the UAE but across the world face the biggest sacrifice – being away from loved ones. Therefore, taking care of oneself first and being satisfied, they are better equipped to support those they love the most. What about you, dear readers of "The Filipino Times"? How do you reward yourself for your hard work? Indeed, taking care of oneself first allows them to be more ready to support those they love most. Happiness, as they say, is found in the little things. Therefore, connecting with friends or planning a dream trip makes long days meaningful. Thanks to accumulated wisdom and investments, Filipinos can also show their resilience and determination to progress.