Economy Local November 14, 2024

Fitch Confirms ADQ's Long-term Credit Rating

Fitch has reaffirmed the long-term credit rating of ADQ Holdings in both local currencies, highlighting the company's stable financial outlook and market position.

Fitch Confirms ADQ's Long-term Credit Rating

The 'Finch' agency confirmed the long-term credit rating of the holding company ADQ in local currency.

ADQ, one of the largest holding companies of the United Arab Emirates, successfully reaffirmed its status on the rating scale under more challenging conditions for the global economy.

"This step reinforces the confidence of 'Finch' in the sustainability and reliability of ADQ as a key player in the market," noted the chairman of ADQ.

The ADQ company actively invests in various sectors, including transportation, telecommunications, agribusiness, and medicine. It is expected that 'Finch's' decision will elevate ADQ's rating to a new level and contribute to the company's further growth.