Travelers Seek More Flexibility and Transparency | Ours Abroad News

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) revealed that travelers prioritize convenience, speed, and transparency in their travel experience. 68% prefer proximity to airports for planning.

Travelers Seek More Flexibility and Transparency | Ours Abroad News

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) presented the results of a survey among international travelers for 2024. Nick Careen, IATA's Senior Vice President for Operations, Safety, and Security, noted: "Travelers want greater flexibility and transparency when planning and booking trips, as well as speed and convenience at the airport."

The survey indicated that comfort, speed, and integrated travel are most important to passengers, while biometrics technology and the ability to streamline certain travel steps to the airport also play an increasing role.

According to the study, 68% of survey participants noted that proximity to the airport is a key priority when choosing a place to live.