Health Local November 14, 2024

New Anti-Aging Ingredient Discovered: Onion

Experts reveal that onions contain properties that may combat wrinkles and aging signs due to their rich Vitamin C and sulfur content, which encourages collagen production.

New Anti-Aging Ingredient Discovered: Onion

Various studies have highly evaluated products such as pumpkin and broccoli for their effective influence on the process of skin youth maintenance. On the other hand, cosmetic products with collagen are widely popular in the fight against wrinkles. However, choosing such products should be approached with caution, since collagen itself is a very large molecule, unable to penetrate into the surface layers of the skin, if smaller molecules, known as 'hydrolyzed collagen', have not been analyzed.

As experts in skin care have reported, onion skin, being a primary culinary ingredient, has strong properties that help in combating wrinkles and signs of aging. This is thanks to its rich content of vitamin C and sulfur (responsible for the characteristic smell of onion), which stimulates the body's production of collagen, a protein that provides support and elasticity to the skin.

With age, especially after thirty years, the collagen levels in the body start to decline, leading to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. According to Skinglo, serum contributes to the stimulation of collagen production, which helps in the renewal and improvement of the skin's appearance. Furthermore, MedicalNewsToday noted that onion, due to its vitamin C content, may contribute to collagen formation and preservation, improving skin and hair health simultaneously.

According to Mayo Clinic experts, it is recommended to include in the diet several essential minerals, such as copper, manganese, and zinc, which also contribute to the stimulation of collagen production. Although this type of products may help fight visible signs of aging, it does not reach deep layers of the skin when used in creams and masks.

The founder of Absolute Collagen, Darsi Lapsi, previously stated: "Don't waste your time and money on masks and creams with collagen, because they only provide the skin with very insignificant hydration. Effective products are those that contain peptides that support collagen production directly in the skin."

Darsi recommends using food supplements with collagen since they are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, helping to fight against the signs of aging effectively.