Events Sport Local October 23, 2024

Al-Farsan Achieve the Title of Dubai Cup for the Owners of Ambitions

Under the slogan "Prepared to Challenge Dubai for Competence", the Al-Farsan team achieved the title of Dubai Club Cup for the Owners of Ambitions, as part of the planned activities on Saturday.

Al-Farsan Achieve the Title of Dubai Cup for the Owners of Ambitions

The "Al Forsan" team won the Dubai Club Cup for people with limited abilities under the slogan "Get ready for the Dubai Fitness Challenge," which begins next Saturday.

The tournament, organized by the Dubai Club for people with limited abilities, attracted many participants, among whom "Al Forsan" showed the best result, winning the Cup. The competitions were held at a high level, reflecting the spirit of training and the determination of the participants to win.

One of the participants expressed joy and pride at the team's victory, noting that training and perseverance are key to success. The winners were awarded valuable prizes and certificates for their outstanding sports achievements, which has become a well-deserved recognition of their efforts.