Events Economy Local November 15, 2024

Sharjah International Book Fair Highlights Cultural Economy

The Sharjah International Book Fair showcases the balance between culture and economy in the book industry. It offers opportunities and challenges for publishers and governments to promote reading as a vital educational tool.

Sharjah International Book Fair Highlights Cultural Economy

The sphere of books and reading represents a unique and sensitive balance between culture and the economy. Books possess dual value, being instruments for the transmission of knowledge and the formation of culture, as well as commercial products aimed at profit. This places before the book and reading industry a multitude of challenges and opportunities, awakening authorities, libraries, and publishers to work on ensuring balance, guaranteeing the further existence of this sphere as an important instrument of culture and education.

Rasul Kasim notes: "While following current developments, we can observe the International Book Fair in Sharjah and possibly draw attention to the economy of words, meandering among the made-up letters and labor of knowledge." According to UNESCO, the book is defined as "an inimitable printed publication, consisting of 49 pages."